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Introductory to Plant
by Kingsley R. Stern, California State University - Chico
Sixth Edition
This book was bought previously owned from another university student. It was not used in class, but it was excellent source material and supplementary information for developing my notes and study material.
This is an in-depth look into the world of botany and plant biology. It is the perfect resource for class review and as source for supporting information. In the 6th Edition are the following subjects: The Development of Plant Study, The Nature of Life, Cells, Tissues, Roots, Stems, Leaves, Flowers fruits and seeds, Water in Plants and Soils, Metabolism in Plants, Growth, Meiosis and Alternation of Generations, Genetics, Plant Biotechnology, Evolution, Plant Names and Classification, Kingdom Monera and Viruses, Kingdom Protista, Bryophytes, Vasculat Plants; Ferns and Relatives, Seed Plants; Gymnosperms, Flowering Plants, Flowering Plants and Civilization, Ecology, and appendices. Appendix 1: Scientific Names of Organisms Mentioned in the Text, Appendix 2: Biological Controls, Appendix 3: Useful Plants and Poisonous Plants, Appendix 4: Houseplants and Gardening, Appendix 5: Metric Equivalent and Conversion Tables.
Taken from the Preface to the Intoductory to Plant Biology:
" This book is designed as
an introductory text in botany. It assumes little knowledge of the
sciences on the part of the student. It includes sufficient information
for some shorter introductory botany courses open to both majors and nonmajors,
but it is arranges so that certain sections...can be omitted without disrupting
the overall continuity of the course.
Despite eye-catching chapter titles and headings, many texts
for majors and nonmajors relegate the current interests of a significant number
of students to comparative obscurity. This text emphasizes current
interests without giving short shrift to botanical principles. Present
interests of students include subjects such as global warming, ozone layer
depletion, acid rain, genetic engineering, organic gardening, Native American
and pioneer uses of plants, pollution and recycling, houseplants, backyard
vegetable gardens, natural dye plants, poisonous and hallucinogenic plants, and
the nutritional values of edible plants. The rather perfunctory coverage
or absence of such topics in many botany texts has occurred partly because
botanists previously have tended to believe that some of the topics are more
appropriately covered in anthropology and horticulture courses. I have
found, however, that both majors and nonmajors in botany who may be initially
disinterested in the subject matter of a required course frequently become
engrossed if the material is repeatedly related to such topics.
Accordingly, a considerable amount of ecological and ethnobotanical material has
been included with traditional botany throughout the book- without, however,
resorting to excessive use of technical terms."
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