Exploring Psychology

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Exploring Psychology 
by David G. Myers
4th Edition

Required for several Psychology classes at my University, I bought Exploring Psychology used from the local bookstore.  As with any paperback textbook, my regular use has caused some wear to the cover and the spine, but the book is still in good condition.  The corners are slightly worn, but the pages are still clean and unmarked.  This edition covers Biology and Behavior, Development, Sensation and Perception, Consciousness, Learning, Memory, Intelligence, Motivation, Emotions and Health, Personality, Psychological Disorders, Therapy, Social Psychology, and Statistical Reasoning.  An appendix supplies answers to Critical Thinking Exercises found throughout the book.  There are 555 pages, plus the Glossary, References, Illustration Credits, Name Index, and Subject Index Sections.

This very detailed and thorough book is excellent for review and further reading in relation to classes, as well as for general learning or reference.

List price $38.00  Sale price $9.50

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